How Useful Is Capecitabine 500 Mg?


Certain body cells divide and grow too fast when they acquire cancer. As the cancer cells proliferate, a tumor is formed. Anti-cancer drugs, including capecitabine 500 mg, slow the growth of tumors by stopping the development of new cancer cells. Capecitabine tablets are prescribed, especially for stomach, colorectal, and colon cancers. Besides, for breast cancer, it is sometimes advised.

Before beginning capecitabine 500 mg therapy

  • When you are expecting a child or breastfeeding one
  • When you have an illness or when you feel really sick
  • If you have any problems with the functioning of your liver or kidneys
  • If you suffer from a cardiac condition or an irregular heartbeat
  • If you have problems with your nervous system
  • If you have excessively high blood sugar

How to take capecitabine 500 mg tablet

Before starting the therapy, read the printed manufacturer’s guidance from the tablet pack and any printed information your doctor has given you. These will provide you with more information on the capecitabine tablet and a detailed list of any side effects you can experience while taking it.

Once your doctor has spoken with a specialist who has treated cases similar to yours, they will prescribe capecitabine tablets. Since your dose is based on your height and weight, you must take the medication exactly as your doctor prescribes. There are several pill strengths available, and you can combine different strengths in your dosage. Usually taken twice a day (morning and evening), the capecitabine tablets are taken for 14 days in cycles that include a 7-day respite. Then the same 21-day cycle is repeated several months later. Your dose will be printed on the tag of the pill box to help in your memory of what your doctor informed you.

Completely take the capecitabine tablets with a glass of water. It is not recommended to chew or break up the tablets. The medication should be taken half an hour after eating. You’ll be more likely to recollect to take your doses if you do so after the same meals each day, which are often breakfast and dinner. If you are going to miss a dose, make sure you take the next one on time and let your physician know. Do not take two doses at once to make up for a missed one.

You should try to show up for the hospital or doctor’s appointments on time. Your doctor will be able to track your progress thanks to this. Throughout your capecitabine 500 mg medication, regular physical examinations and blood tests will be necessary.

Pregnancy and childbearing should be avoided when using capecitabine tablets. Make sure your doctor has been informed on the best methods of contraception for you and your partner. Some anti-cancer drugs are associated with lower fertility, so if you hope to become parent in the future, you may also want to consult your doctor for advice on conception (particularly in males).

While taking capecitabine online and for six months following the course of treatment, refrain from acquiring any immunizations (vaccines) without first consulting your specialist physician. Certain immunizations increase your chance of disease since the capecitabine tablet lowers your body’s resistance. Nolvadex tablets are also available online for use in treating cancer-related conditions.

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